So what’ s actually in your sweat and why is sweating good for you? We’re glad you asked!
The actual make up of sweat varies from person to person and is influenced by what you eat and drink. That being said, sweat is mostly made up of water and trace amounts of minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, chromium, nickel, lead.
Other elements in sweat include urea and ammonia. These waste elements are the by-products of protein breakdown and a sign of a healthy body. Your consumption of water, electrolytes, and minerals for their role body processes, allow your body to sweat properly since sweating is one of the most important functions of your body.
One of the main benefits of sweating is that it cools the skin through evaporation. As your muscles work, your heart pumps faster and your blood flow speeds up, your breathing rate increases, your temperature increases. Since your skin is the largest muscle in your body and acts as a barrier, one of it’s primary functions is temperature control. As your skin pores open up to allow your body to sweat, other impurities in the skin are released. Another sweating related benefit? When your body temperature increases, your production of white blood cells increases, and white blood cells are one of the backbones of your immune system.
You don’t actually lose any fat through the sweating process, just water weight, which means once you rehydrate you’ll replace those fluids in the body. However the act of sweating is a sign your body is burning more calories as a results of increased muscular activity and metabolism, so consider it a confirmation that you’re working hard! Sweating itself requires a small amount of energy so it will boost your calorie burn as well.
Sweating is also an important mechanism in allowing your body to rid the muscles of tension. When you sweat your body also releases endorphins, those feel good hormones that leave you with a buzz after a good workout. These effects benefit both your mind and your body as most activities that cause sweating are effective stress relievers.
Sweating is caused by activities that burn calories at a high rate of metabolism, relieve muscle tension, burn fat (energy), cool your body temperature, remove waste products, lower your stress, and boost your immune system. Without the ability to sweat your chances of dangerous reactions like heat stroke would be a lot more common, and your skin would have a much harder time breathing. So you want to lose weight, build muscle and burn fat? SWEATY when you are, and as sweaty as you can ever be!
Lets get sweat-attitude!!
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