NO EXCUSE WORKOUT: 20 Jumping jaxs 10 crunches 5 push-ups 10 calf raises 25 Russian twists 10 squats 20 High knees 10 reverse crunches 30 sec. plank 15 sec. plank Remember Make yourself stronger than your excuses...Now go kick some tr-ASS-sh :)
Let's face it` The number one result of lack of fitness motivation is "GIVING-UP"!
Before you do that remember any small milestone is worth celebrating!
Focus on the achievements that will get you closer to your big goal-This will help you to stay motivated.
Motivation Spike:
1.) If you are not seeing the results your expecting simply back off for a few days-That does not mean to stop working out completely- Just lower the intensity-this will give your body a rest. Then start to increase your workouts over a week.
2,)Make sure to mix-up and make your fitness fun! If you do the same thing over and over..of course you are going to get bored!!By adding some fun to your workouts it will give you something to look forward too~ has a variety of online workouts to choose from-you will constantly be doing something mentally and physically interesting.
3.) Write down your fitness goals. This will help you keep track of "The Why" your working out!
Remember the girl that gave up?........No one else does either!
Well lets take a walk through this and decide for ourselves!!
It Burns More Calories: 30 minutes of walking at an easy pace burns
150-200 calories, whereas 30 minutes of sex generally burns only 54
It is Better Aerobic Exercise: It is easy even for
beginners to sustain walking for 30 minutes to an hour and derive good
aerobic benefits.
Walking Alone is socially acceptable and enjoyed by many in public. No Surgeon General ever lost her job by advocating walking alone.
Group Walking is socially acceptable and is often done in public.
Racewalking: You are rewarded for finishing ahead of the other walkers.
Awards: When you finish a walking event you often get a nice medal or
t-shirt for your entry fee to commemorate finishing the event.
Age of Consent The legal age for walking is unlimited, from the first
steps around age one through centenarians. Walkers of all ages can walk
together, nobody is "jailbait."
Low Risk: Walking does not exchange bodily fluids, as long as you do not share needles to prick blisters.
Few Religious Restrictions: Walking with or without a spouse is
considered morally acceptable by most major religions, although the
distance allowed may be restricted on the Sabbath. Major religious
figures are known for walking, and going on a walking pilgrimage is a
tradition in many faiths.
Your Reputation: Nobody insults you for walking too often with too many different people!
Less Disease being distributed...
So What do you think??
.: Lose Weight, Be Happy and Healthy: It seems pretty common that people there are not happy with their body image, and what they do , it's very unhealthy and almost certai...
As much as one might love a good muffin now and then, no one loves sporting a “muffin-top!”You know, the dreaded “spillage” over the top of one’s waistband? With today’s low-slung jeans and tight-knit fabrics, this can be a very real problem for women of all shapes and sizes. But I’m here to share a couple tips—some quick and not-so-quick suggestions—on how to camouflage and fix that unsightly situation!
First, check your posture! Are you standing up tall? Shoulders back?Belly-button to your spine? If not, then stop what you’re doing and realign yourself! It might sound crazy, but it’s true! The way you carry yourself, can instantly change how you see yourself, and how others see you as well. What’s more, while you’re pulling that belly-button in, think about holding it there for 10-15 seconds at a time. Repeat this action several times in a row, and you’ve just completed a mini-ab-workout, without all the sweat!
Next, check your wardrobe. Are you wearing clothes that fit too tight, or cling too much around your waistband? If you answered yes, don’t beat yourself up. Some of the blame belongs to today’s designers who’ve been pinching our middles way too hard lately! But there is hope! Look for styles that flow freely past your belt loops. Choose breezy blouses that don’t cinch your waist, but instead gather just below it. Try a new fashion or two, like the pairing of longer tops with leggings or stretch pants. When you do, check yourself out in the mirror, and see which styles you like the best. These are just a few quick and easy solutions.
Now let’s look at a solution that takes a bit more time and commitment—whittling that middle away!If you’ve spent years doing sit-up after sit-up, don’t worry. I’m not going to suggest you do tons more. While sit-ups will definitely help this problem area, they’re not your only option. There are many other moves available that can be just as effective. For example, stand up tall, with a slight bend in your knees. Hold your hips straight ahead, while you twist side to side. Tighten with each turn, making your moves slow and deliberate. Do several sets, anywhere, anytime! At home, at work, or at play.
Now think about lifting your knees to your chest. First your right, then your left. Scrunch your tummy muscles with every lift, and you’ll feel your core begin to strengthen and tighten. Lift your arms and pull them down with each knee lift, and you’ll add that much more resistance to this routine!
Finally, grab a couple hand weights (or even that jug of milk off the breakfast counter), and stand up straight again. With the weights by your side, slowly bend and lower to your right and then return to straight spine. Repeat, 10-12 times on the right side before you switch and lower to the left. Contract your side muscles as you move. Before long, you’ll have whittled your middle away and kissed your muffin top goodbye!