Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Be a Goal Digger

Getting Healthy with Louise!

Setting realistic goals and tracking your progress are key to your success. In fact, research has shown that those who keep track of their behaviors are more likely to take off weight and keep it off. A reasonable rate of weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week.
Weight Loss goal this week. Don’t attach a number goal to it. Don’t go in thinking it’s is going to lead to X number of pounds lost. Just pick one of these healthy habits to focus on…
Goal: Move Consciously Every Day
You don’t have to join a gym, take up running, (walking) 
start weight training or sign up for a group fitness class, unless you want to, of course. This goal is about making the decision to simply move your body more. That’s it! Take the stairs, go for a walk, play with the kids at the park, it really doesn’t matter. The more you use your body the more it will want to be used. Make a conscious decision daily to do something active and you may be surprised where it leads.
Goal: Cook More and Eating Out Less
Setting a goal to cook more can seem overwhelming at first. There’s definitely a learning curve if you are used to eating out on a regular basis, but if you start small it is possible to slowly tip the scales toward eating in.
It starts with meal planning. Find a way that works for you. Some people like to plan their meals on the weekends or even cook and have meals prepared, others (like me) thrive off a stocked pantry and plan day-to-day. Whatever style works best for your current situation (because it will change) plan to eat out 1 less day a week than you normally do as a start.
Goal: Eat Breakfast
No "I have no time" excuse. You grab a banana on your way out the door or get up 10 minutes early to cook up some eggs. And if you can’t then hard boil some the night before and have them ready to go (see meal planning above.) Eating breakfast is too important. It’s an easy way to set the tone for the rest of the day.
Goal: Drink More Water
Water drinking is a pet peeve of mine. I’m going to try to stay off my soapbox but seriously, it’s WATER. It’s what we as human beings are SUPPOSE to drink. There’s no doubt about. There’s no arguments or discussions that need to be made. Water should be your drink of choice. If it’s not than there’s one simple thing you can do to change that. Drink more of it. I’m not saying give up your diet soda completely, but the more water you drink the less soda you’ll probably consume and, like moving your body, the more you drink the more your body will crave it.
Goal: Have a Vegetable and/or Fruit with Every Meal
The not getting on my soapbox thing isn’t working for me so I’m just going to blurt this out… EAT MORE VEGETABLES. Like drinking more water the more you eat of them the less "other stuff" you will consume. Set a goal to have at least 1 vegetable (and no, lettuce on a burger does not count) and 1 fruit with every meal. It’s a great start! Over the years I’ve upped this goal and now we have about 2 meals a week with 2 vegetables and no starch. My family doesn’t even notice the lack of noodles or potato any more and we’ve grown to love things like roasted Brussles sprouts, cauliflower and yes, even beets. Key Phrase there: GROWN to love. It’s a process, a journey, much like any goal you are attempting to accomplish.
Goal: Go to Bed Earlier
This is my latest goal to tackle. I’m trying to go to bed earlier at least 3 days a week. There’s no arguing, sleep is important and I don’t think most of us get enough. Setting a sleep related goal may seem like a small step but sometime it is those little things, like a good nights sleep, that make all the difference.
Goal: No Mindless Eating
Another one of my consistent goals.
I realize not everyone does it but for those of us that do, setting a goal to cut out mindless snack is HUGE. My best tool in reaching this goal is the food journal. Whether I write it down, type it out, or photograph it, the pause helps me decide if this is something I really want eat or an unconscious nibble I won’t even enjoy.
Goal: Train for an Event
Whatever it is... 5 k... or just o alk a mile.... do it
Goal: Leave Three Bites
This is a simple goal !!
How many calories can you save by leaving 3 bites???
Goal: Be Thankful for The Little Things
Being thankful for the little things is so important...
Look for non scale victories!!!

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